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Our blog is an additional avenue through which we share relevant, timeless principles and life-changing values. Among other topics, we discuss individual and organizational self-awareness, healthy organizational culture, and transitioning well.

Continue reading Burning the Ships: The Power of Commitment | John’s Story (Part 2 of 3) Burning the Ships: The Power of Commitment | John’s Story (Part 2 of 3)
Burning the Ships: The Power of Commitment | John’s Story (Part 2 of 3)
In this video, Jerry Murray shares key take-aways from our recent podcast with John Gilliland, CEO and Founder of Investment Real Estate Group of Companies (IRE, LLC). John's story illustrates how the...
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Continue reading Succession Planning – Supporting You on the Journey Succession Planning – Supporting You on the Journey
Succession Planning – Supporting You on the Journey
The path to the future for retiring business owners can seem overwhelming. In this video, Jerry Murray shares some of the common questions these leaders face, and how our team is prepared to support y...
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Continue reading Succession Planning – Allowing Time for the Expected and Unexpected Succession Planning – Allowing Time for the Expected and Unexpected
Succession Planning – Allowing Time for the Expected and Unexpected
Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying, "Good things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." Patience is certainly a virtue, but it should never be confused with co...
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Continue reading Succession Planning – Begin with One Small Step Succession Planning – Begin with One Small Step
Succession Planning – Begin with One Small Step
There is a simple model of human behavior that says we only do things when we have a strong enough reason to do them; on the motivational scales in our brains, the benefits must outweigh the costs. An...
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Continue reading “I’m Glad I Sold it to Her” Handing Over Keys
“I’m Glad I Sold it to Her”
A few years ago, I stood beside a friend as he sold his car. It wasn’t just any car - it was a vehicle that he had since he was 16 years old and cared about deeply. He had put a lot of time, money, an...
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Continue reading When Transition Chooses You person bridging a gap with blocks
When Transition Chooses You
Is there ever a time in life that we are not going through some kind of transition? Sometimes transitions come with great anticipation, such as a wedding, the birth of a child or the anticipation o...
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Continue reading Somebody Knows Somebody Knows
Somebody Knows
I recently had the privilege of facilitating a conference for family business owners from the United States and Canada.  Most of the attendees desired to transition the leadership and ownership of the...
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Continue reading A New Chapter A New Chapter
A New Chapter
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”  – Ecclesiastes 3:1 More than 15 years ago I met Roger North for breakfast. I knew Roger from his board appointmen...
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