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Don’t Throw Your Anchor Inside Your Own Boat

Sep 8, 2015
By Roger Garber

Categories: Leadership & Organizational Development

Don’t Throw Your Anchor Inside Your Own Boat

Recently our daughter shared a sketch she created on social media. It included the words, “Don’t throw your anchor inside your own boat.” Seeing her sketch caused me to think about a recent conversation I had with a friend.

As we met for coffee my friend shared that his “bucket” was almost empty; he was emotionally depleted. I encouraged him to be transparent with his spouse and closest friends. Those individuals who know him best can help him the best. He needed to allow these friends to be his “anchor” through this challenging season. I believe their ability to bring hope and support in a difficult time is crucial for his survival, as an anchor is for a ship in the middle of a powerful storm.

One of the definitions for “anchor” at states “a person or thing that can be relied on for support, stability, or security; mainstay.”

It takes trust and vulnerability to reach out to others for help. My personal goal is to build a circle of influencers around me who will ask me good questions to keep me anchored to the truth, and who will challenge me to change and grow.

When the going gets tough, are you tempted to throw the anchor in your own boat, or do you have friends you can turn to, to provide the support and stability you need? Are they capable of asking the hard questions that will help lead you to self-awareness and growth?

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