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Developing Leaders

Jan 20, 2015
By Gerald Meck

Categories: Leadership & Organizational Development

Developing Leaders

Good leaders know that they can’t do the job alone. So empowering others to lead is a major responsibility of a leader. How do leaders empower others to lead?

Recently I read a book entitled Christian Reflections on The Leadership Challenge, edited by James Kouzes & Barry Posner. The authors suggest the following ways of influencing others in their growth as leaders:

  1. Put Love into Action: People thrive when they have meaningful work to do. Give them something critical to do that advances the mission of the organization.
  2. Develop Talent Radar: As a leader, learn what areas of strength each person on your team possesses. Everyone is good at something.
  3. Fan People’s Gifts into Flames: After you’ve given critical tasks to the right people, commit yourself to the development of their character and their competence.
  4. Make Heroes of People: Make heroes of people when they do things well. Tell their stories. Celebrate their successes with others.
  5. Lead Out of a Servant’s Heart: Without this element of servant leadership, a leader will develop a workforce of implementers. When you lead out of a servant’s heart, you tap into the best level of motivation in a person.

True leadership requires a strong commitment to the well-being and growth of others, an “other-centeredness” that includes lifting others up, sharing the load and sharing power. It builds trust and makes your job easier.

In what ways are the people you lead becoming better people and leaders because of the time spent with you?

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