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Core Values – Powerful or Passé?

Apr 5, 2023
By Administrator

Categories: Leadership & Organizational Development Strategic Planning

Core Values – Powerful or Passé?

The four sets of core values above are from four companies that you likely know. Core values should be primarily meaningful to leaders and employees. When consistently lived out, they should bring meaning and value to all who interact with that organization, particularly their paying customers.

We are sometimes asked whether the concept of core values is passé. If you are using “permission to play” words like, “integrity,” “excellence,” and “customer focus,” the answer may be yes. However, if your core values are an expression of who you are, how you live, and how you lead, they can be incredibly powerful.

Do your core values create conversation within your organization? Do they animate how you live and serve? Do they advance to a level of conviction that you are willing to take some pain for? If so, WOW! You’ve got something. If not, toss the plaque into the dumpster.

When you return from the dumpster, remember that core values do not come out of thin air. They arise out of the deeply held convictions and behaviors of the people that really care about your organization and those that they serve.

Oh, and the four companies whose core values are listed above are Coca-Cola, General Electric, Amazon, and North Group Consultants. See if you can match them up.

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