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Through The North Group Podcast, our team members invite you into their discussions on a range of topics, centered around organizational health and leadership development.

Our podcast can be found on Spotify, YouTube, Apple, and Google Podcasts.

Continue reading From Clinician to Consultant | Kevin’s Story (Part 1 of 3) (Podcast Ep. 35) From Clinician to Consultant | Kevin’s Story (Part 1 of 3) (Podcast Ep. 35)
From Clinician to Consultant | Kevin’s Story (Part 1 of 3) (Podcast Ep. 35)
Participants: Roger North
We've been sharing stories that we believe capture life-changing value and timeless principles about life and leadership. In our next series, we're sharing Kevin Lorah's story.  Kevin Lorah joined ...
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Continue reading Ed’s Story (Baüen Unlimited): Care & Craftsmanship (Part 1 of 3) | Podcast Ep. 34 Ed’s Story (Baüen Unlimited): Care & Craftsmanship (Part 1 of 3) | Podcast Ep. 34
Ed’s Story (Baüen Unlimited): Care & Craftsmanship (Part 1 of 3) | Podcast Ep. 34
Participants: Roger North
"A story gains true significance when it becomes a shared narrative, enriching the lives of those who hear it." - Unknown Our vision at North Group is to build a legacy by offering relevant, timeless...
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Continue reading Hiring Leaders Who Are the “Right Fit” | Podcast Ep. 33 Hiring Leaders Who Are the “Right Fit” | Podcast Ep. 33
Hiring Leaders Who Are the “Right Fit” | Podcast Ep. 33
Participants: Roger North, Gina Breslin
A new leader joining your team will maintain, strengthen, or disrupt your organization’s culture. When hiring, it is important to first determine the kind of impact you would like the new team member ...
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Continue reading Self-Awareness as a Gift | Podcast Ep. 32 Self-Awareness as a Gift | Podcast Ep. 32
Self-Awareness as a Gift | Podcast Ep. 32
Participants: Roger North, Josh Keefer
Each of our clients is remarkably unique. However, a conversation we have with each client is the topic of self-awareness. And while self-awareness undeniably enriches a leader personally, our convict...
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Continue reading The Leadership Development Difference | Podcast Ep. 30 The Leadership Development Difference | Podcast Ep. 30
The Leadership Development Difference | Podcast Ep. 30
Participants: Roger North, Craig Schloneger
Leaders impact everyone! At North Group, we have the privilege of developing leaders toward their highest potential. In episode 30 of The North Group Podcast, Roger North and Craig Schloneger discuss ...
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Continue reading Story 25 of 25: The Factory Ministries Story 25 of 25: The Factory Ministries
Story 25 of 25: The Factory Ministries
Participants: Roger North, Natalie Mease
A simple question – “How can we help?” – started the journey of The Factory Ministries, where they walk alongside those facing issues of poverty in Eastern Lancaster County. Beginning as a youth ce...
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Continue reading Story 23 of 25: Warfel Construction Story 23 of 25: Warfel Construction
Story 23 of 25: Warfel Construction
Participants: Gina Breslin, Roger North
If we were to start with just three words - clients for life - how many of you would already know what organization's story we have the privilege of sharing today? For Warfel Construction, that phr...
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Continue reading Story 19 of 25: Alderfer Glass Story 19 of 25: Alderfer Glass
Story 19 of 25: Alderfer Glass
Participants: Roger North, Craig Schloneger
Today, it is not uncommon for our work and personal lives to feel disconnected. In fact, “work-life balance” (or – as we like to define it – balanced living) is often associated with “leaving work at ...
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Continue reading Story 14 of 25: Mennonite Disaster Service Story 14 of 25: Mennonite Disaster Service
Story 14 of 25: Mennonite Disaster Service
Participants: Roger North, Josh Keefer
From humble beginnings... Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) was founded by a Sunday School class in Hesston, Kansas in 1950. With that modest start, some 70+ years ago, MDS now coordinates thousands...
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